A Kid•Dog•Fable

There is an ancient Taoist fable that goes something like this...

Once upon a time in China, there was a farmer who owned a horse. “You are so lucky!” his neighbors told him, “to have a horse to pull the cart for you.”
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

One day he didn’t latch the gate properly and the horse ran off. “Oh no! This is terrible news!” his neighbors cried. “Such terrible misfortune!”
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

A few days later the horse returned, bringing with it six wild horses. “How fantastic! You are so lucky,” his neighbors told him. “Now you are rich!”
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The following week the farmer’s son was breaking-in one of the wild horses when it kicked out and broke his leg. “Oh no!” the neighbors cried, “such bad luck, all over again!”
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The next day soldiers came and took away all the young men to fight in the war. The farmer’s son was left behind. “You are so lucky!” his neighbors cried.
“Maybe,” the farmer replied.

The Kid•Dog•Travel version:

One upon a time in Kansas, there was a couple who left their jobs, sold their house, and started a grand adventure to explore the world. “You are so lucky!” their friends cried.
“Maybe,” said the couple.

Five months into their adventure, the overland vehicle they were living in proved to be unreliable. “Oh no! This is terrible news!” their Instagram followers cried. “Such terrible misfortune!”
“Maybe,” the couple replied.

The couple quickly shifted their plan, sold the vehicle, and got a new, more reliable rig that better fit their needs. They were back on track and moving to Argentina. “You are so lucky!” their Facebook friends cried.
“Maybe,” said the couple.

Within a month of settling in the natural paradise of Bariloche, a global pandemic struck and the couple was caught in one of the strictest lockdowns in the world. “Oh no!” their blog newsletter email list cried, “Such bad luck!”
“Maybe,” said the couple.

As the lockdown started, the couple moved from their small rented house into a larger one. It was on a remote peninsula on the edge of town. Since there was not much government supervision in that area, they were once again able enjoy nature and the beauty of their new home and surroundings. “You are so lucky!” their LinkdIn Network cried.
“Maybe,” said the couple, “But come good or bad, we will be ready to make the most of what comes our way. We will ride the waves of this grand adventure with all its crests and valleys.”


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