Our Dog's Butt

Yes – this is the post topic that has to be written! Casey, as a Rhodesian Ridgeback, has the very unique and distinct trait of a ridge on his back. Casey’s seems perfect – long, well defined, and symmetric. It is essentially a cowlick where his hair runs in the opposite direction.

He appears to have two other cowlicks too. You guessed it – on his butt. Or maybe for dogs they’re called haunches. Either way, he has a little swirl on each of his butt cheeks. I’ve never seen this on a dog before. I’m not sure if they’re on just Casey, all Ridgebacks, or all shorthair dogs. Please comment below on your canine butt swirl experience. It will help put my mind at ease.

Check out my dog’s butt.

Check out my dog’s butt.

And, now for a close up…

And, now for a close up…


J is for Journal: Wolf’s Trip Chronicle Begins


Decision #78: Heat Source